Chronicle documents Party history of New Democratic Revolution period

Sat Oct 12 20:30:01 CST 2024

Experts attend the symposium on the chronicle publication in Beijing on Wednesday. [Photo provided to]

A chronicle documenting major events of the Communist Party of China during the New Democratic Revolution period (1921-1949) was published ahead of the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China.

This chronicle aims to foster a correct understanding of the Party and its history, playing a significant role in promoting Party history education, experts said at a symposium on the publication of the chronicle in Beijing on Wednesday.

Qu Qingshan, president of the Institute of Party History and Literature, noted at the symposium that the chronicle aligns with the evolving trends in Party history education and enriches the existing body of Party literature. He emphasized that, compared with previous general histories, this detailed chronicle offers a more comprehensive and systematic overview of Party history.

"If we consider existing Party history works as the trunk of a tree, then the chronicle serves as the branches and lush leaves that enrich and fill the gaps in Party history research," he said.

The chronicle is noted for its authoritative historical narrative and political significance, making it suitable for study, Qu added.

The New Democratic Revolution spans from the CPC's establishment in 1921 to the founding of the PRC in 1949. This period is particularly important as it marked the overthrow of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism in China, creating the fundamental social conditions necessary for the country's modernization.

The 29 volumes of the CPC history chronicle (the New Democratic Revolution period) by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee. [Photo provided to]

Comprising 29 volumes and totaling 9.2 million words, the chronicle was produced by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee and published by the CPC History Press. It highlights key figures and significant events in Party history, providing context and vividly illustrating the CPC's journey during the New Democratic Revolution period. Its publication has garnered support from various ministries.

Wang Yi, deputy director of the Party history department at the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, said the chronicle presents political history objectively while enhancing emotional and political identification.

"It is a masterpiece rich in political significance that will resonate for generations to come," he said.

Yan Jianqi, former member and secretary-general of the documentation research office of the CPC Central Committee, underscored the educational importance of the publication. Unlike previous works that targeted a narrow audience, this chronicle is accessible to the entire society, particularly the younger generation.

"It will help establish a correct historical memory and strengthen historical confidence," Yan said.